I could not believe when I got the chance again to travel for free + allowance. Thanks to the company. 2 years ago it was Korea and now Uzbekistan! Uzbek what??
Yeah baby, It's uzbekistan!
It was an 8 hr torture in flight experience. Uzbekistan Air plane was old. The in flight food was bad and the toilet was a disaster. Despite all that, Alhamdulilah we safely arrive at the land. One thing about this country is everything is so slow and old fashion. Their Tashkent airport, even KB airport is 10 times better in terms of the infratructure. It took us more than an-hour to pass the immigration just because they are so slow. It is just their culture anyway.

This is their money in Uzbek Sum. This 4 bundle is 400,000 Uzbek Sum and it is equavalent to 200 USD or RM620.

The whole gang's money. We feel like a MLM millionaire and immadiately wanna post this picture with caption "Wanna be like us?" on our FB wall. JK ;p

We have entertainment almost during every dinner + and lunch. Be it yang sopan2 or even belly dancing yang super hot and sexy.

When it comes to food, they have various selection of desserts like cakes but all of them taste the same and very very sweet.
Uzbek Ice cream. So so sweet.
And I love the places that we went because they have nice architecture. We went to three different city. Tashkent to Bukhara to Samarkand and to Tashkent back.

The wall and ceiling coverings. Very beautiful kan?

Prophet Ayoub Mausoleum

The most beautiful place that we went. The blue dome adalah sangat-sangat cantik.

The buldings, the deco and the gold chandelier.

We also went to see the oldest quran in the world. But we were prohibited from taking the photo. The place has so many different type of Quran like the oldest, the smallest and yang 'berdarah' with the historical explanations behind that.
What excites us was we got to feel the snow. The whole previous 6 days were scorching hot and Subhanallah during the final day, suddenly the snow was coming down.

Our coach was covered with snow.
Kat background tu mcm dalam poster kan?
Some interesting facts about Uzbekistan
1. 75% of the populations are Muslim, thus finding halal food is easy.
2. Though it is a Muslim country, but the toilets are similar to those in non muslim contries. Takde paip air. Susah ok!
3. Most of the buildings/architecture look the same thus selalu lupa eh apa nama building ni eh? But they have very nice scenery.
4. It is a four season country,obviously.
5. They wore modern clothes. No jubah or abayas sold in there. (mula-mula ingat mahu cari jubah ke apa ke kat sana)
6. Nothing much to shop in there.
7. They have the bestest fruit juice i've tasted so far. I just had to bring back their 2 litre cherry juice sampai excess baggage ku.
8. Uzbekistant is a big country. It took us 8 hours to transfer from one city to another.
9. Oh, they won't let women to pray together with men walaupun in different saf mcm kat sini.
10. They let non muslim people to enter the mosque aka the holy place but they definitely won't let the jewish people from getting in there.
11. The people cantik-canti and hensem-hensem belaka. Baby and toddlers adalah gebu-gebu.

But it was great to see the people since they hardly have tourist coming to their country thus they really appreciate tourists.
It is good to see how Uzbekistan has developed since the Soviet Union Days. They got attack during the 90's remember?

And yes, it is worth going there.
wow bestnyaaa pegang snow. :)
diorg punya architecture mmg detail n cantik kan. rasa mcm bertahun nk buat.
merasa lah pegang. Mcm pegang ais kepal.
yes, the buildings suma lawa2.
untung la dpt g oversea company support..
jkr skrg dh xde peluang nk g o/sea.. semua brg from o/sea dh x payah nk check kat china atau jepun lg.. terus send ke malaysia..
melepas la aku nk g negera org secara percuma.. hehhe..
takpe babe, jom kumpul duit sendiri buat lawatan sambil belajar ke mana-mana. ;)
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