Tuesday, April 19, 2011

She is 3.

My Sarah turns 3 today. Thank you Allah for a great 3 years of experience in raising her.

Sarah is our sunshine. As I got conceive only a year after marriage, so having her is like the best thing ever happened to us. Like rasa seronok sangat-sangat. The excitement of having your first child is not comparable at all.

Now ni dia dah besar and she is my companion. I love keluar together with her, having our time together, gosh! how I miss that time.

Yang kelakar sebab sekarang dia sudah pandai membebel. There was one time I ask mr husband to increase the tv volume (the remote was with him), and pia was asleep. So bila her papa kuatkan, she said to him “papa, pelan kan sikit. Adik tidur”. That shows how responsible person she is.

Other times when her papa was running late to solat, I said to her “Sarah, papa tak sembahyang lagi” and guess what she scolded him. Sambil cekak pinggang and yelled “Papa, semiyang!” and she keeps repeating the words till her papa got up.

She now started to do things on her own like washing her own cup and plate. I hope you like the dish washing activity dear as I would be very happy if you could take over that task someday. Heh! She is at a phase yg nak buat semua benda. There are times when we are so lazy to move our ass, we just order her to do it like ambil kan pampers adik, letak cawan kat dapur, ambil kan sabun dalam laci. Kekeke.

She has some odd attitude macam nak pakai skirt waktu malam, tiap kali nak minum air dalam cawan mesti pakai straw and sangat suka pakai shirt yang ada caption ‘happy cow’ and also she loves prawns so much. I think it is quite weird for a 3 year old to like udang that much.

Her favourite word sekarang is “ Apa tu?”. She never fails to kiss me first before she went to sleep. Sometimes bila dia dah baring, she’ll get up and kiss me. So sweet!

I think my first child is extra special. Sebab dia adalah peneman waktu suka dan duka. Sometimes terasa macam treat her like a really big sister i.e tolong tengok adik kejap, jangan buat sepah dsbg tapi hakikatnya she is just 3 year old.

Saya pasti, anak sulung saya banyak jasa nya pada kami. And it makes me realized that kenapa orang lain pun mesti sangat sayang kan anak sulung. Because they are special.

Or in my case, Sarah is. Happy 3 year old sayang.


YaTie IzaTie said...

dh besar anak dara ko.. muke dia byk ikut belah kau la.. time2 camni la aku terasa aku terlambat lrt drpd korang...

Unknown said...

ash! aku pun dh lama terfikir nk blog psl "knapa kita rasa anak sulung tu special" kind of entry. hahaha.n u said it well. very well. :) happy besday sarah.. be a good daughter! love this entry. it comes from the heart. rasa cair membacanya.

saisyahk said...

To yatie: Rileks ah, Jgn rasa terlambat lrt sebab at certain things, for sure kau pun ada extra than us.

To leen: Kan, skrg baru aku faham kenapa bpk aku sayang sgt abang aku walopun ktrg rasa dia tahape2 sebab anak sulung ni 'something' lah.

shiela said...

hehe..teharu bace entry ni boleh

saisyahk said...

to shiela: terharu kah? kasik feeling2 kat anak sulung ler...