I have always wanted to write about the house project as a documentation. Buat kenang-kenang jerit perih buat rumah. But always had no time and since I am on MC for a week, (I have chicken pox btw) there you go! The whole cerita of the house but with a very limited pictures as I just utilize whatever I have in my laptop. Don’t wanna take a new one sebab takut berpeluh (I have hyperhidrosis remember?), nanti the chicken pox kalau kena peluh eeeuwww..so so gatal.

This is our house, masa dia belum siap. You can see that it has no style or very similar to kampong style house. People say that kalau rumah sebiji atas tanah, orang panggil banglo. But we are very ashamed to say that but we are proudly admit that this is our banglo kampong house.
Why build it? Why not buy those stylish designed home? First and foremost, it is because we thought that we could not afford to buy those commercial houses. And the idea of in mortgage for like 30 years was uncool to us. We don’t like big commitment like that, or in other words we thought that kita tak mampu nak bayar thousands per month for 30 years.
Ala, kan ada EPF to support? We reserved the EPF as our retirement plans. Since our insurances retirement plans pun berapa henggit je and we are not a gomen servant yg so lucky to have pension and medical benefits. So, don’t need to touch the EPF.Our home is located in Kuang, Selangor. We are both Kuang people and we love this place. It is like a hub to everywhere. Just 20 minutes drive to Ikea, 40 minutes drive to Sg Choh, the place I work, 30 minutes to Shah Alam, KL, Klang, Ijok dsbg. It is at the centre like I can choose to work in Shah Alam, or KL or Rawang without having to think much of the distance. And we are so lucky that my father has this 2 acre piece of land for his childrens. And my house located just behind his. My sister soon will build hers beside ours. We like the idea of having the whole family in one place.
We were totally in control of buying the materials. So no mark up there. Now here is the breakdown of the total cost of our 40 ft x 50 ft house:-
1) Upah: RM13 per sq ft + plaster ceiling work + pasang tiles + tembok extension : RM 35,000
2) Simen: At that time, one bag cost us ranging from RM 15/bag till RM17.50 per bag. Simen adalah sgt mahal and price keep increasing from month to month: Total cement price: app RM30,000
3) Tembok Batu gunung + tanah tambak: RM15,000
4) Batu bata: 1 palet RM 115
5) Pasir Kasar and batu konkrit: 1 lori RM330
6) Pasir halus: 1 lori RM 380 Item 4,5,6 in total cost app RM 13,000
7) Atap: RM 6,000.
8) Kayu atas: RM 3,000
9) Casements and sliding door with tinted. We have 2 units of 3 panel windows, 8 units of 2 panel windows, 2 bathroom windows and 1 sliding door : RM 4,700
10) Grills. We got a friend to do it for us. He has the welder set. Others like cutter, grinder and compressor belong to FIL. We bought the besi and only upah him for RM 800. So in total was RM2,200. Seriously this grill business is so profitable!
11) Pintu: 3 external doors: RM 1,000. Pintu bilik for 4: RM 450.
12) Tiles: We bought at Seacera during their warehouse sales: RM5,500
13) Cat: We have Nippon air care for living and tv area, cheap Colorland for kitchen and bedrooms and Colorland Weathershield for the external: RM 2,000
14) Wiring: RM 6,000 plus the accessories (kipas + downlights)
15) Masuk meter air: RM1,300
16) Stove: RM480 from FABER. Hood tak beli pun as I don’t see why I need it.
17) Water heater: Panasonic: RM300
18) Kitchen Cabinet: RM2,100 from Rawang. I love their work.
19) Curtains: For living, tv area and master bedroom are from MACY during sale: RM 1,300. I love their work. Other rooms are ready-made from Home’s Harmony: RM250.
20) Other etc: ???
1) Upah: RM13 per sq ft + plaster ceiling work + pasang tiles + tembok extension : RM 35,000
2) Simen: At that time, one bag cost us ranging from RM 15/bag till RM17.50 per bag. Simen adalah sgt mahal and price keep increasing from month to month: Total cement price: app RM30,000
3) Tembok Batu gunung + tanah tambak: RM15,000
4) Batu bata: 1 palet RM 115
5) Pasir Kasar and batu konkrit: 1 lori RM330
6) Pasir halus: 1 lori RM 380 Item 4,5,6 in total cost app RM 13,000
7) Atap: RM 6,000.
8) Kayu atas: RM 3,000
9) Casements and sliding door with tinted. We have 2 units of 3 panel windows, 8 units of 2 panel windows, 2 bathroom windows and 1 sliding door : RM 4,700
10) Grills. We got a friend to do it for us. He has the welder set. Others like cutter, grinder and compressor belong to FIL. We bought the besi and only upah him for RM 800. So in total was RM2,200. Seriously this grill business is so profitable!
11) Pintu: 3 external doors: RM 1,000. Pintu bilik for 4: RM 450.
12) Tiles: We bought at Seacera during their warehouse sales: RM5,500
13) Cat: We have Nippon air care for living and tv area, cheap Colorland for kitchen and bedrooms and Colorland Weathershield for the external: RM 2,000
14) Wiring: RM 6,000 plus the accessories (kipas + downlights)
15) Masuk meter air: RM1,300
16) Stove: RM480 from FABER. Hood tak beli pun as I don’t see why I need it.
17) Water heater: Panasonic: RM300
18) Kitchen Cabinet: RM2,100 from Rawang. I love their work.
19) Curtains: For living, tv area and master bedroom are from MACY during sale: RM 1,300. I love their work. Other rooms are ready-made from Home’s Harmony: RM250.
20) Other etc: ???
We calculated and this house cost us app RM135 K. ++
What? You surprise ha with this banglo kampong? You thought it would be cheaper like 70K to 80K like that? No worries, tak terkejut pun because at first we thought that it would be that cheap. Tapi we were so wrong. Raw materials are super expensive and the price keeps increasing day by day i.e cement. And you cannot cheat/decrease the amount as it is for the base and very important.
No wonder houses are expensive. If you have the money, then beli je lah sebab with all the hassles urrgghh! Boleh sakit jiwa. Ye lah kan, we got cheap contractor. RM 13 per sq ft mana nak dpt tapi the hassles seperti di bawah:-
1) Contractor tak nak ikut ckp owner like beli cornice corak bunga zaman purba. Rasa nak nangis tiap kali pandang nya.
2) Sesuka hati tambah tiles kat dinding luar. Nasib baik dia bukak balik sebab aku tempik kat dia.
3) He didn’t fix paip yg bocor underground kat toilet belakang. Mr husband has to fix it.
4) Oh, he painted the bathroom wall in Yellow when the tiles are Blue in color. So much a cool color combination.
5) Atap kitorang bocor and he refused to fix it. Giler ke apa, dh lah plaster ceiling. So Mr husband and his friends fix it. Tampal je dgn aluminium tu. Mmg Nampak buruk ah atap kitorang sebab it was unprofessionally done. But it was better than Nampak corak bulat2 kat siling bila hujan.
1) Contractor tak nak ikut ckp owner like beli cornice corak bunga zaman purba. Rasa nak nangis tiap kali pandang nya.
2) Sesuka hati tambah tiles kat dinding luar. Nasib baik dia bukak balik sebab aku tempik kat dia.
3) He didn’t fix paip yg bocor underground kat toilet belakang. Mr husband has to fix it.
4) Oh, he painted the bathroom wall in Yellow when the tiles are Blue in color. So much a cool color combination.
5) Atap kitorang bocor and he refused to fix it. Giler ke apa, dh lah plaster ceiling. So Mr husband and his friends fix it. Tampal je dgn aluminium tu. Mmg Nampak buruk ah atap kitorang sebab it was unprofessionally done. But it was better than Nampak corak bulat2 kat siling bila hujan.
At first, we all rasa sedih sangat with the problems like roof and pipe leaking tu, but after thinking again, beli rumah might as well have the same problems. I saw the bungalows at Pinggiran Rahman Putra pun atap dia bertampal-tampal jugak. My brother’s house kat Saujana Utama Sg Buloh pun ada pipe leaking and to this date pun tak fix lagi since last year. So takde yang perfect.
This is the view for the dining area. Boleh nampak cornice zaman purba, table top yang tak kemas langsung, and rumah yang kosong.
At the back is the main door, terus ke living are. Again, still empty.
This is the tv area aka family area. Behind is the langsir MACY yang disukai. Sorry gambar have to blur kan sebab lelaki itu sungguh seksi.
Afterall, we feel sangat bersyukur to have our place done walaupun not in time. Our house is still very empty. We didn’t have the budget to furnish it yet. It is not stylish, it has some defects but we are happy.
4 years plus of marriage, 2 daughters and A house? Thank You Allah.
bile aku tgk total budget tu..aku tak pikir mahal lak..aku ckp, eh murahnyeee...huhu..40 x 50..adelah umah besa okeh..
selamat mendeko2 umah nanti..harap2 thn ni ko dpt lg bonus yg best..ngee
ye ke? sbb some ppl mcm boss aku selambe ckp baper kos 70K ye? even aku pun mula2 it camtu gak.
ash, total 135 plus plus tu kira murah pada aku. sependapat dgn shiela. sbb skang kan, nangis tgk harga rumah. harga normal kan 300.
dan yes. gila ko kata kecik. 40X50 adalah gila spacious. haha. standard rumah kan mcm 20X70. woo xle imagine luasnya umah ko. haha
lagi satu, bab cornice tu aku x tau apa benda tu. huhu. maybe sbb x nmpk corak dia kot dlm gambar ni. geram ya psl org yg buat tu.
lastly,psl atap bocor tu mmg normal. previous rumah sewa aku,aku dok rumah baru. mmg kalau x duduk kita takkan tahu bocor tang mana tang mana. maybe sbb atap tu bila baru buat,mmg camtu ke kot ek? plus pengalaman pak anjang aku kan dia buat rumah sendiri, mmg mula2 tu dgn aku skali siap naik atas ngn dia tgk atap. haha. i think bab atap ni biasa sbb laluan air hujan tu kan kita mcm takle nk agak selagi atap tu tak kena simbah ngn ujan.
overall. aku suka tgk costing ni. boleh tolong sesiapa yg plan nk buat rumah sendiri. great tips.
p/s:wooo. aku rasa luas camni, berpeluh gak nk habis mop ni. ke camne?
Nak mop mmg tensen. Selalu la bergaduh dgn diri sendiri bila nak mop. Pasal atap bocor tu pun ramai yg ckp biasa tu sebab mmg tak tau selagi tak hujan.
Rumah aku nampak besar sbb still kosong lagi. And yes, saja letak price2 tu, senang kalo org nak check price. Tapi itu as of 2010 lah. Tahun ni of cos makin naik.
if la aku ade tanah, mmg aku buat umah sendiri.. leh design ikut suka ati kite.. ni tanah kat kg hubby kat tangkak.. sgt la jauh..
40*50 kalau kat melaka yg ready made almost rm200K. skrg price semi-d 40*80ft rm240k. byrn monthly rm1200.. rase mcm x mampu je nk byr..
pasal pipe leaking tu mmg biase.. tp kalau nk selamat, during construction, soh dia buat pressure test.. tgk ade leaking or not.. aku slalu buat kat project aku.. mmg slalu kantoi la bocor sane sini..
btw.. tumpang happy sbb ko dh ade umah sendiri.. besar lak tu.. skrg ni aku tgh nk cari umah lg.. nk beli semi d.. kalau ade rezeki dpt la aku beli.. kalau lmbt beli, lg mahal.. so, sementara masih muda lg ni la, nak buat aset.. kalau nk tunggu hidup tu dh stabil, agaknye umah mase tu dh pegi 100% naik..
Untungnya kamu yatie ialah sbb keje gomen so interest pun 4% kan. Aku pun rasa, kalo mahu beli better start now masa rumah masih lagi murah (padahal dh agak mahal kan).
Rumah semi D 40*80 harga rm240K tu kira ok tu. kalo ada rezki beli lah yg tu.pejam mata tetiap bulan bayar 1.2K.
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