Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Am Still Here.

A few friends texted me asking whether saya sudah bersalin atau tidak, jawapanya belum lagi. In fact, i am in my 37th weeks, hence semakin letih, mengah, bulat dan maternity uniform pun sudah ketat. sedikit sedih disini.

Went to a check up this morning with my father, as Mr husband has work to be done. Berat saya adalah 76kg (roll eyes) and berat baby is 2.6 kg. But, doc said that air ketuban sudah sikit and he gave me another week saja lagi. As expected, doc nak check bawah but I refused (hehe), takut sakit but he said it's okay tapi next week mesti kena check yeah...

At the same time, tengah demam and selsema pulak in combo. and the flu is getting worse dengan headache sekali. I really need a rest, so I asked for 2 days mc straight and Friday pulak is a public holiday so hopefully boleh full recovery by next week. I need to go to the office to settle things out though part of me rasa lantak lah, tapi hati tak senang lah pulak.

Oh, I've yet to update on The Crib Project, as tak sempat nak ambik gambar pun. But Alhamdulillah, dengan cuaca panas in this 4th week, en tukang sudah start ikat batu and I am happy. Later lah will update with the photo and stories, but seriously it is full of dugaan and kepenatan.

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