Thursday, August 14, 2008

Of My Nosy Colleague.

Today at work, I manage to catch the nosy person who sit next to my cubicle peeping through my email with her big-round-black eye (eye bag). Masa tu, i was typing an email to one service manager when suddenly she ask something to the person who sit in front of me. Then, tiba2 macam ada perasaan orang tengok aku (ke tengok email aku?) Cepat2 aku toleh and found her staring at my screen, reading the email word by word. Macam h*r*m betul lah dia ni. terus aku sergah dia dgn loud. Loud enough utk orang sekeliling aku heard my words. "Eh, Apsal tengok2 email orang nih?" sebenarnya nak tambah lagi, "ko ni dah takde keje lain, asik nak menyibuk hal orang lain ke? sibuk nak tahu apa aku tulis, apa aku cakap dengn yanti? Get a life lah!" Tapi, akhirnya, ayat 2 tu cuma tersimpan didalam hati jer.. Walaupun begitu, ayat yang tak berapa power telah menyebabkan dia malu sendirian dan trus beralih pandang ketempat lain..hehehe..
Maknanya aku berjaya jugak lah.

Oh, Btw tomorrow ada a few work to be done at one of our service centre at Glenmarie. and KEBETULAN, ada Clark's Warehouse Sale berdekatan..Hmm..Macam harus pergi nih..! ;P

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