So when they shop for baking stuffs, I couldn't resist not to pick a thing or two. (very bad shopping habit in me, easily influenced!)
First is the measuring spoon and jug.
Next, I find myself googling for the easiest recipe.
Then, bought the flour, chocolate powder etc...
And on friday night I baked these cuties...
Please excuse my unstable hand. Got to do some practice. And Sarah helped by sprinkling the chips. She is all excited and
messy happy.
The muffin didn't look so nice but seriously, it is sedap.
Mr husband loves it. He wants me to bake more often.
My family like it.
This little helper (what's up with pout?) insist to take photo with 'her' muffin. Everytime she sees a cake/muffin/or even a cake shop, she'll say ABETUYU. (happy birthday to you). cake = birthdays.
And now, I am baking the next muffins for PILs family. We got a gathering this afternoon.
Definitely my new found joy!
owh wow..besnyeeeeee..tak de peluang lagi nak bake2..hehe..senang gile ke weh
oh shiela. baking is the easiest kan ash. lagi senang dari ko buat cheese cake tu ari. ape lagi ash. recipe nye manerrrr... hihihi.
owh sgt senang weh. sebab tak guna mixer pun. check out this link
bestnye.. tp kat umah ni kurang la nk mkn muffin.. kalau buat kek coklat yg ade topping tu mmg la skjp abis.. tp mood nk buat kek hanye nk dekat raye je.. harap maklum.. hehhe..
wahh...nak try wat gak la...hehe ;)
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