Saturday, November 6, 2010

This Bumbo Is Not Only Meant For Babies.

A couple of weeks ago, I bought a Bumbo seater for Sophia from Little Whiz. It was a steal for RM139 only which the normal price is around RM 2 Hundreds-ish. I wish for lime color but it wasn't available so I chose lilac instead.

Sophia loves it but we keep monitoring her in it because sometimes she looks like 'going' out of the seater.

This is her, adoring her face-towel. But usually, she only gets seated for a couple of minutes because...

her sister Sarah, always has something else in mind. She too, demanded of the seater for her and...

for her toy-dolphin. She loves it so much and she thinks it deserve a special seat. Oh well, this girl is so random. I could even catch her putting it in a baby carrier.

As if the dolphin is her baby. Aren't girls are the cutest?