As sekarang Pia dah 1 Year, and Sarah is 3 so we have two toddlers to handle, and it is not an easy job.
Sarah is at a stage where she would ask everything, imitating every single thing that we, the parents done and also has always playing a sister-ly role. You know, that kind of ' saya kakak, awak adik' and 'kakak dah besar, adik kecil lagi' kind of thing.
And Pia on the other hand, seems to see her sister as a role model. She wants everything that her sister has, also wants to do everything that Sarah does even though it is beyond her capability yet like riding a bicycle.
They always into the same thing like wants the same story book, though there's other plenty around or the same exact ball and they will ususally end up with screaming to each other. it turned us headache at most times. (-_-)
Like this picture, I was about to take Pia's picture. and Sarah realize that she should be in the frame too.
then they start squeezing each other, whatever they call it...
Now, both are so ready for the camera but with Pia's unsatisfied face.
Papa would go crazy in handling us kan? and that is including me. Teehee...
itulah. sakit jiwa jugak kadang-kadang. same je sini. si fateh tu, kalau tak puas hati nanti kalo kita tgh pegang dia (tahan dia sbb diorg tgh bergomol gadoh) dia boleh pergi terkam kakak dia balik. mula2 tgk macam tak percaya. tapi boys kot. mmg mcm tu.
saba je la kan. haa...
hee..penin jugak la..girls fighttt..
to Leen: Pia pun mcm tu. mentang2 kakak dia kurus je. selalu sarah yg kalah.
To Shiela: sgt pening. tu belum nak handle 'tantrum' mama dia. kena time meroyan...ha kaauu...
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