OMG! she is such an adorable baby. I mean, look at her...
Here is her funny birthday cake that I baked this afternoon,
I was tired and alone without my husband, just got back from kenduri and after the girls went asleep i thought to myself that I MUST BAKE THAT DAMN TASTY CHOCOLATE CAKE for the birthday girl. Though I was pretty sure that I could not handle it myself. What happen if the kids get up and I haven't finish baking?
So yes, disaster happens. After 20 minutes, sophia woke up and need my attention. Right, just when I wanted to turn on the mixer.
I quickly finished everything and I forgot one important thing. To fix the baking tin and tighten it! After the batter was poured, I saw a few drops coming out at one side. It was too late and I can't adjust it anymore. That's why the cake looks funny with a hole.
Despite the bad presentation and clumsy me, the cake is still tasty and my love for her is still so strong.;p
How can a person not to love this kid right?
happy besday pia..e'ehh muke die cm aku yg sekarang laaa...hahaha :p and the cake look yummy :D
hehe...rupa kek x penting janji sedap...Happy Birthday pia...she's so cute! ;)
happy birthday cik pia! :) dah setahun rupanya cik adik sorang ni. muka dia mcm awang ya ash? tp mmg muka dia bulat dari kakaknya. cute gila gigi tu ok.
btw. samelah kita. smlm aku pun buat kek coklat. tapi without glazing atas tu lah sbb arini nak buat trifle. neves nak buat trifle tp harap2 ok je lah. haha.
rupa kek ko mmg lucu tapi itu mcm boleh jadi bahan ingatan sampai bila2 kan. on her birthday pulak tu. esok2 crita kat dia mesti tersenyum2. :)
Shiela, Elly & Leen: Thanks
kek tu mmg lucu kan? and saja aku tepek kat blog supaya jadi kenangan. Mama dia ada effort buat besday cake utk dia walaupun rupanya laut..
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