My SIL passed away on the eve of mother's day. She left my nephews, age 9 and 7.
It was early this year when she was diagnosed with a heart failure, then with ovary cancer, and a brain tumor that left her in coma before she left us this morning.
We managed to say goodbye to her last night, and I saw tears coming from her eyes when we talked to her although she was in coma.
May Allah bless her. Al fatihah for my SIL, Rubianalaila bt Mohd Basri.
Innalillah...semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...
salam ash.
aku baru tahu sbb baru buka blog ni ptg td. :( innalillah.. aku tumpang sedih.. your words "i saw tears coming from her eyes when we talked...." really hit me.
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