Friday, March 25, 2011

Chicken Pox: Day 2

This is it! We were so boring yesterday and started to take picture by using the webcam. See, she had enough drawings, colorings and playing with the blocks and all. And I had enough Playhouse Disney channel to watch. I can even memorize the Dibo the Gift Dragon theme song.

Lots of vain photo of us, trying out the applications;

I was trying to enter-framed.

Big headed!

Look ma, see my hands.

See my eyes, Wink wink

Ok that's a wrap. TQVM.

1 comment:

3740Journal said...

my youngest son pun kene chicken pox. baru baik. nasib baik tak demam. but tengok ur daughter kat muke macam tak banyak pun. my son kat muka banyak betul. kat badan kurang. kesian gak tengok kecik-kecik dah kena. huhu